Gravura Brasileira



De 28/10/2023 a 2/12/2023






Jacqueline Aronis


28 outubro a 02 dezembro 2023




Jacqueline Aronis's prints develop two nuclei of plastic reflection that complement each other: a first series investigates the cosmic origin: they are stars or clouds of unlikely balance, in any case: images of distant ethereal bodies, colorful and somewhat triumphant, which have their graphic origin in an instant of boldness — just as if the artist added a funambulesque tone to the seriousness of that Pascalian thought — Le silence éternel de ces espaces infinis m'effraie — which so well characterizes, since the 17th century, the feeling of men removed from the comfort of a God who was responsible for the "machina mundi", as much as he was situated in the face of advances in cosmology and astronomy. The second set of prints examines another origin: the invention of signs that stabilize themselves in possible alphabets which hold some promise of intelligibility: that of one of the most persistent impulses of the human being: the boldness of writing as a star of tentative stability of the cloud of language, that of seemingly infinite becoming. In summary: Jacqueline Aronis explores the mark, and thus prolongs the previous reflection, in her own way updating Baudelaire's assertion in the key poem of modernity — "Correspondances" — which invites us to pass through the "forests of symbols" that observe the man with "familiar looks" ("des forêts de symbols/ que l'observent avec des regards familiers."). A double look in correspondence, the same search. 

Horácio Costa, October 12, 2023












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